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Adolescent pregnancy and Anemia incidence in Third Trimester Pregnant Women at Kemalang Health Center
Astri Wahyuningsih, Piscolia Dynamurti W, Wiwin Rohmawati, Yuriyahtun Khasanah

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Astri Wahyuningsih

Prodi DIII Kebidanan
STIKES Muhammadiyah Klaten

Adolescent pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs in young women aged 14-19 years which are almost three times more at risk because they are mentally immature resulting in a lack of fulfillment of nutritional requirements during pregnancy. The incidence of anemia in pregnant women is quite high because most have not realized the importance of prevention of anemia and the danger posed. This study was to determine the assosiation between adolescent pregnancies and the incidence of anemia. This research method uses an analytical survey design with a cross sectional time approach. The population in this study were all third trimester pregnant women at Kemalang Health Center. This study used total sampling technique with a sample of 192 trimester III pregnant women. The results showed that pregnant women who were not anemic were 11.4%, those with mild anemia were 1.1%, those with anemia were 0.5%. For pregnant women not teenagers, not anemia 78.6%, mild anemia 8.4%. The conclusion of this study is assosiation between the adolescence pregnancy and the incidence of anemia in third trimester pregnant women with p value 0.034. Teenagers take Health Counseling through Karang Taruna in their respective villages to avoid adolescent Pregnancy.

Pregnancy, Adolescence, Anemia

Health Science


Rohmayanti, Reni Mareta

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rohmayanti rohmayanti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Background: An early marriage is a world problem related to various health and social consequences for adolescent girls. Designing effective health interventions to manage early marriage needs to apply a community-based approach. However, it has received less attention from policy makers and health researchers in Indonesia. Objective: this study aims to explore the determinants of early marriage from the perspective of married women and find out the impact on reproductive health. Method: This study was a qualitative descriptive study with a phenomenological approach. The research conducted in Ketundan Village, Banyusidi Village and Petung Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency. The sampling method used selected respondents who fulfill the requirements using the snowball technique. The data was collected through face-to-face and semi-structured interviews and analyzed using a conventional content analysis approach. Results: The results of this study indicated that there were 3 majors themes in this study, namely 1). Some factors of early marriage with 6 categories of early marriage determinants, namely education, socio-cultural, internal, communication media, and parents; 2). the general impact of early marriage which includes 3 categories namely economic, family and education; 3) the impact of early marriage on womens reproductive health in 3 categories namely pregnancy, labor, childbirth. Conclusion: the research found that the practice of early marriage in Pakis Subdistrict, which covered three villages where the study was based on various factors underlying the practice of early marriage which had a general impact on economic, family, education problems and directly impacted womens reproductive health in the process of pregnancy, childbirth until the care of her child.

early marriage, factors, impact

Health Science


Diyan Indriyani

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Nurul Qomariah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Background: teenage girls at school highly need a mentoring in improving the understanding of adolescents- reproductive health with all its problems. Teachers are the closest ones to students while studyingat school. The increase of teachers understanding on reproductive health in adolescents- can be an easier effort when doing the mentoring to the female students in the optimization of their rights and reproductive functions. Subjects and Methods: this study used pre experiment one group pretest and posttest design. The population and the sample were the teachers at SMK Sukorambi and SMAN I Mumbulsari Jember who have an involvement in guidance and counseling. The data were collected by using total sampling method with the number of the teachers for each location was 16 teachers, so that the total samples was 32 samples. The independent variables were educational intervention and the dependent variables were teachers perceptions about adolescents- reproductive health, sex, unwanted pregnancy, early pregnancy and the dangers of abortion. The variables were then measured by using a Likert scale with data analysis of Paired T-Test. Results: the results confirmed the influence of the educational efforts of the teachers perceptions by using Paired T-Test (α = 0.05). The results retrieved from SMAN 1 Mumbulsari were the perceptions about adolescents- reproductive health (p = 0.000), sex (p = 0.007), abortion (p = 0.000) unwanted pregnancy (p = 0.000) and early pregnancy (p = 0.000). Whereas the resultsretrieved from the teachers at SMK 5 Sukorambi were the perception of adolescents- reproductive health (p = 0.000) , sex (p = 0.017), abortion (p = 0.000) unwanted pregnancy (p = 0.000) and early pregnancy (p = 0.000). Conclusion: the conclusion of this study highlights the influence of educational efforts towards teachers- perception on adolescents- reproductive health and its problems as an optimization of competencies in mentoring teenage girls at school. The recommendation of this study is that the provision of educational programs for teachers aboutadolescents- reproductive health can be provided on an ongoing basis in supporting teacher performances.

Educational, Perception, Reproductive Health, Teachers

Health Science


Saifudin Zukhri (a*), Setianingsih (b), Retno Yuli Hastuti (c), Indri Setianingsih (d)

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Corresponding Author
Saifudin Zukhri

a.Study Programe of Nursing of Stikes Muhammdiyah Klaten, Jl. Ir. Soekarno Klaten, Indonesia, saifudin[at]
b. Study Programe of Nursing of Stikes Muhammdiyah Klaten, Jl. Ir. Soekarno Klaten, Indonesia, setianingsiih[at]
c. Study Programe of Nursing of Stikes Muhammdiyah Klaten, Jl. Ir. Soekarno Klaten, Indonesia,
d. RS PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu, Jl. Jogja-Sol, Delanggu, Klaten, Central of Java, Indonesia

Pathophysiologycally and by the management patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are at risk of constipation. This study was aim to determine the relationship of age, fluid intake, fiber intake, use of sedatives, and mobilization status with the occurance of constipation in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in intensive care rooms. Thirty ACS patients (21 male and 9 female, aged 45 to 74 years who were treated in the intensive care room (IRI) of PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu Hospital, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia, in November - December 2018, were observed for 3 consecutive days from the initial admission to intensive care unit. Data were analysed with the chi square test (X2) and binary multiple logistic regression tests at 95% confidence level. Multivariate analysis indentified 3 independent parameters correlating the occurance of constipation in ACS patients , ie. fiber intake (p=0.025, RR=26.675, CI 95%= 1,498-474.996), fluid intake (p=0.044, RR=21.332, CI 95%= 1,093 –416.328 ) and immobilization (p= 0.012, RR = 15.466, 95% CI =1.068-349.989 ), with Negelkere R2 = 0.80. Whereas age and used of sedative were not significantly correlated to the occurance ofcontpation. It was concluded that lack of fiber intake, lack of fluid intake, and immobilization were the risk factors for the occurance of cosntipation in ACS patients and contributed of 80.3% the occurance of constipation in ACS patien, whereas of 19.7 % influenced by other factors were did-nt studied in recent reseach. However further research needed to be done with a larger of sample size. Keywords: Acut Coronary Syndrome, constipation, fluid intake, fiber intake, immobilization.

Acut Coronary Syndrome, constipation, fluid intake, nutrient intake, immobilization, sedation

Health Science


Asmuji, Sofia Rhosma Dewi, Cahya Tribagus Hidayat

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Nurul Qomariah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Introduction: Household garbage man is a job that is at risk of causing illness and accidents due to work. The type of waste produced by households has diverse characteristics with all the negative impacts it causes. Methods: This research is a quantitative study with a correlative design that aims to identify the correlationship betweem the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), posture and conditions of work facilitiesand incidents of occupational accidents. This study is involving 50 respondents taking by simple random sampling from 73 people who work as garbage man. The data collected using a questionnaires and observation sheets. Data analysis used the Spearman-s Rho statistical test with α = 0.05. Result: The result show the used of personal protective equipment (boots) is related to accident due to work (p value :0.004; α = 0.05; r :0.398). The use of personal protective equipment (gloves) is related to accident due to work (p value : 0.005 α = 0.05: r:0.388). Proper postural body is related to accident due to work (p value :0.015; α = 0.05; r:-0,343). Condition of work facilities are related to accident due to work (p value : 0.026; α = 0.05; r:0.315). Conclution: The use of proper personal protective equipment, supported by work facilities and good posture can reduce accidents at work.

occupational accidents, garbage man community, households

Health Science


Calgary Family Intervention Model (CIFIM) Approach in Choosing Healthy Snack as Preventive Behaviour of Food Born Disease on Children in Surabaya
Dede Nasrullah(a*),Aries Candra Anandhita(b), Eni Sumarliyah(c), Jihan Robbaniyah(d)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c) Lecture Faculty Health of Science University Muhammadiyah of Surabaya
(d)Student Program Study Nursing Health of Science

Snack food in schools is very risky for biological or chemical contamination that is detrimental to health. During the break time of 20 students at Surabaya Elementary School there were 100% of students choosing to consume snacks with striking red sauce, without packaging and colorful drinks. This can cause disease due to consumption of contaminated food, namely food borne disease (FBD). The research method Quasy Experimental Design with Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The population was 43 children, a sample of 38 children with purposive sampling technique. The results of the study before and after treatment showed 47.4% lack of knowledge to be good at 57.9%, negative attitude 57.9% to be positive 78.9%, less practice 73.3% to be good at 10.5% and enough 76.8% %. Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test results obtained knowledge (p = 0,000), attitude (p = 0.008), practice (p = 0.025). Mann Whitney U Test results obtained knowledge (p = 0.001), attitude (p = 0.022), practice (p = 0.780). It could be concluded that there was an influence of the CFIM approach on the selection of healthy snacks on FBD prevention behavior in school-age children in Surabaya.

Calgary Familial Intervention Model (CFIM), Food Selection of Healthy Snack, Food Borne Disease

Health Science


Characteristics of Intrapartum Mother and Fetal Outcome in Postdate Pregnancy
Tri Nofiasari (a), Fitria Siswi Utami (b*)

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Fitria Siswi Utami

a,b) Aisyiyah Yogyakarta University, Jalan Siliwangi No.63, Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta Province

Postdate pregnancy is an indirect cause of maternal and infant mortality. Generally, it can occur around 7% of pregnancies. The number of deliveries in postdate pregnancy in Regional Public Hospital of Wonosari is 34%. The objective of the study is to describe the characteristics of intrapartum women with postdate pregnancy, delivery method, and fetal outcome at Regional Public Hospital of Wonosari in 2018. A quantitative descriptive research was use in this study. The sample was obtained by a total sampling technique as many as 601. The results of the study showed that the majority of intrapartum women with postdate pregnancy were at the age of 20-35 years (75.4%), multiparity (55.1%), and spontaneous delivery method (73.7%). Fetal outcome (86.5%), babies who were not asphyxia and weighed 2500-4000 grams as many as (92%). All of these characteristics often occurred in the gestational age range of 40+1 – 40+6 weeks (56.6%), range 41-41+6 weeks (40.6%), and > 42 weeks (2.8%). The success of induction was indicated by the high rate of spontaneous delivery (73.7%), no incidence of asphyxia at > 42 weeks gestation, and low macrosomia rates (2.7%) in post- term pregnancies in Regional Public Hospital of Wonosari in 2018. Good fetal outcome due to the right termination efforts can be one of the considerations in the preparation of Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for the management of postdate pregnancies in Regional Public Hospital of Wonosari.

Fetal outcome, postdate pregnancy, mothers characteristic

Health Science


Characteristics of lung tuberculosis patients in Kedungwunisubdistrict, Pekalongan regency
(a)Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah*, (b)Nur Izzah

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Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah

Nursing Department, University of Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan, Central Java, email: nuniek_pkj[at]

Background. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a health problem, both in terms of mortality, disease incidence, and its diagnosis and treatment.In 2015, there were 175,029 positive cases of smear pulmonary tuberculosis. Lung tuberculosis according to sex is more prevalent in males with a prevalence of 106,554 (60.9%) than females with a prevalence of 68,475 (39.1%) cases. Based on data from the Pekalongan District Health Office in 2016, Pekalongan had 610 positive BTA lung tuberculosis suspects consisting of 338 positive BTA positive men and women with 272 BTA positive from quarterly 1 to quarterly 3. Objectives. To explore the characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Kedungwunisubdistrict, Pekalongan Regency. Method. This was a descriptive quantitative study. Results. The majority of respondents were 38 men (62.3%), had an early age category (46-55 years) of 17 people (27.9%), almost half of the respondents had elementary school education that was 27 people (44.3%), most respondents had low economic status of 55 people (90.2%), almost half of the respondents had 27 jobs (44.3%), and the majority of respondents did not have the same TB as many as 42 people (78.9%). The results of this study are expected to be used in improving the quality of care in tuberculosis patients

Characteristic; lung tuberculosis

Health Science


Comparison of Radiograph Image Information on Lumbar Vertebrae Examination Using the Application of the Anode Heel Effect Theory
Efita Pratiwi Adi, Muhammad Iqbal

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Efita Pratiwi Adi

STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta

Heel effect is a consequence of the focus line principle that the intensity of X ray radiation on the cathode side will be greater than the anode side. Related to the phenomenon of X ray emission, namely heel effect, the lumbar vertebrae object which is anatomically from cranial shrinks and enlarges until it reaches its maximum in the sacrum bone then shrinks to the apex of the coxygeus bone, on this examination it is necessary to consider the application of the anode heel effect theory. This study aims to determine whether or not there are differences in radiographic image information on the examination of lumbar vertebrae by applying and not applying the anode heel effect theory. Retrieving radiograph data is carried out with 5 research objects in the form of probands. The results of the radiograph are then measured using a densitometer to obtain a density value. To support the research data, questionnaires were conducted on 5 radiology specialists. Examination of the lumbar vertebra with the application of the anode heel effect theory produces different information on density, contrast, detail, and sharpness by not applying the anode heel effect theory.

anode heel effect theory; density; lumbar vertebrae

Health Science


Enny Fitriahadi and Istri Utami

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enny fitriahadi

Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta Indonesia

Abstract- In developing countries, 36 countries found that only 15% of births take place without pain or mild pain, 35% of deliveries with moderate pain, 30% of births with severe pain and 20% of births accompanied by extreme pain. Massage techniques that can be done is deep back massage. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of deep back massage on labor pain intensity reduction and the acceleration of the opening of cervix in women giving birth. The samples were 15 samples of intervention group. The method used quantitative research methods with quasy experimental design and a non-randomized pretest-posttest group design. Paired sample of pre-test and post-test in the experimental group used analysis of T test. The results showed sig. value was less than 0.05 (p = 0.000 <0.05); so that it can be stated that there is a significant difference in pain reduction intensity and the opening of cervix in the experimental group. The conclusion of this study that the method of deep back massage has an influence on the intensity of pain and opening of cervix in pregnant women, in which pregnant women who do this intervention, pain intensity will decrease and the cervical opening will quickly so the women will feel more comfortable in labor.

deep back massage, pain, opening of cervix

Health Science


Digital Hypnopresure Development and its Effect on Blood Pressure in Menopause Women with Hypertension in the Working Area of Puskesmas Magelang Utara
H S E Rahayu, K Wijayanti, R F Mashitoh

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Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu

Faculty of Health Sciences
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Hypertension is a silent killer disease, the incidence of hypertension is increasing, especially in menopausal women. Hypnosis and acupressure are non-pharmaceutical techniques to treat hypertension, but the combination of the two therapies has never been done. The aim of this research is to develop a digital hypnopressure device that works with the five-finger hypnosis and acupressure system and its effect on hypertension in menopausal women. Research methods: research is an experimental study with the stages of developing digital hypnopressure devices and the application of digital hypnopressure devices in menopausal women. The sample size was 40 people with purposive, 20 people as the intervention group and 20 people as the control group. The intervension is carried out for 30 minutes. Analysis of data with mann whitney U test. The results of study are the creation of a digital hypnopressure device which is a combination of five-finger hypnosis therapy and acupressure therapy. There were differences in systolic and diastolic blood pressure between the intervention group and the control group (p = <0.001; p = 0.014). Digital hypnopressure devices are effective for lowering blood pressure.

acupressure, five finger hypnosis, hypertension, menopause.

Health Science


Effectiveness Of Lavender Sitzbath Therapy On Episiorraphy Among Post Partum Mother ; Case Study In Klaten
Devi Permata Sari (a), Sri Sat Titi Hamranani (a)

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Devi Permata Sari

(a) Muhammadiyah Klaten Health and Science College

Background: The postpartum period was a critical transitional time for a woman, because it undergoes significant changes in the body, physically and physiologically. Likewise, complications and problem related to delivery such as pain and healing of episiorraphy. The main goals in postpartum care is to assist and support the woman-s recovery to the prepregnant state and educate the mother about her own self care. Methods: The design of this research was pretest and posttest nonequivalent control group. The sample was 15 participant for intervention group using lavender sitzbath therapy and 15 participant for control group using sitzbath therapy only. The instrument using REEDA scale. Bivariate statistical test using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney. Results : The experiment group using lavender sitzbath therapy in pretest “slightly healed” on the effectiveness of the lavender sitzbath theraphy in terms of healing process of episiorraphy on primiparous mother with the weighted mean 8.87 and the posttest “fully healed” with the weighted means 1.37. The result of pretest and posttest had p value of 0.001. it was interpreted that the lavender sitzbath therapy had a significant relationship in healing process of primiparous mother Conclussion: Lavender sitzbath therapy was effective on episiorraphy among postpartum mother

Lavender, Sitzbath Therapy, Episiorraphy

Health Science


Effectiveness of MoringaOleifera Extract to Increase Breastmilk Production in Postpartum Mother with Food Restriction
Rini Kristiyanti1, Siti Khuzaiyah2*, Nur Chabibah3

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Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah

Midwifery Department, University of MuhammadiyahPekajanganPekalongan, Central Java


Background. Breast Milk (ASI) is the most complete, safe, hygienic and inexpensive nutritious food. However, the culture of food restriction in the community is often a barrier to improving nutrition for both the mother and her baby. Various efforts have been made by the government, especially the Health Office, both strategic approaches and tactical approaches. Cultural aspects tend to be difficult to remove from society. Alternative improvement of postpartum nutrition by supplementation was tested in this study, namely by giving Moringa leaf extract to postpartum mothers who abstain from food as an effort to improve maternal nutrition and breastmilk quality. Objectives. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of giving Moringa leaf extract in increasing the productivity of breast milk in postpartum mothers who abstain from several kinds of food. Method. This was a quasi experimental with pre-test and post-test control group design approach. The samples were postpartum mothers abstaining food in the work area of Pekalongan District health center, the sampling technique was purposive sampling in the area of community health center of Kedungwuni I and Kedungwuni I, Pekalongan Regency. Breast milk production is measured based on the babys weight gain. The data was analyzed by using paired t-test and Mann Whitney test. Results and Discussion. There were significant differences before and after giving Moringa extract with p value 0,000 and CI (-1308,934) - (-814,595). Analysis in the control group contained a significant difference in mean before and after giving Moringa extract with p value 0,000 and CI (-1098,988) - (-751,012). There was a mean difference between those given Moringa extract and which were only monitored without giving Moringa extract with a p value of 0.049. This study shows that the Moringa extract effectively increases milk production with indicators that there was a difference in weight gain in infants between the control group and the experimental group. It was expected that the results of this study can be one of the references in the implementation of midwifery care for postpartum mothers. Research with wider variables and more respondents is needed.

breast milk production, food restriction, postpartum mothers

Health Science


Effectiveness of plasma activated Aloe vera on wound contraction of small animal
Eka Sakti Wahyuningtyasa,f,g , N Nasruddinb,f,g*, Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayua,f, Heni Lutfiyatic, , Isabella Meliawati Sikumbangc,g, Sri Darmawatib,f Laela Hayu Nuranid,f, Rifki Febriansahe,f

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Corresponding Author
Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko

a Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang,
b Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
cDepartment of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Magelang, Indonesia
dDepartment of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
eDepartment of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
fMuhammadiyah Research Network for Plasma Medicine (M-Plasmed), Semarang, Indonesia
gResearch Center for Experimental Wound Healing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang,
*e-mail : nasrudin[at]

An investigation was carried out to determine the effect of plasma activated Aloe vera slice on for wound contraction in a small animal model mimicking a clinical setting. An atmospheric plasma jet using medical grade argon gas as a carrier gas was developed. Twelve experimental mouse Balb c, male, age 7-8 weeks, were classified into 4 groups, namely, Control (C), Aloe vera slice alone (A), Plasma activated Aloe vera slice with distance 10 mm (PAV-10) and Plasma activated Aloe vera slice with distance 20 mm (PAV-20). Aloe vera slices with thickness about 2 mm was prepared. They were treated by atmospheric plasma jet with distance 10 mm and 20 mm during 2 minutes before their application. Visual evaluation of wounds was conducted for 14 days. Wound contraction was calculated using a mathematic formula based on wound area measurement supported by computer software Scion. This investigation showed that wound contraction percentage in groups containing Aloe vera were higher than that in control group. This investigation was also showed that during proliferative phase, wound contraction percentage in PAV-20 was higher than that in PAV-10. On days 4-7 whilst that in the first group was slightly lower than that in the control, that in the second group was higher than that in the control. PAV-20 may have ability to accelerate wound healing, while PAV-10 may have ability to impede it. It was concluded that different characteristic of plasma activated Aloe vera slice may cause different effect on wound.

Plasma Medicine; ROS; RONS; Aloe vera; wound contraction

Health Science


Exclusive breast milk and milk Formula : How is the difference in the decrease in bilirubin after administration of phototherapy to neonates with hyperbilirubinemia?
Esri Rusminingsih(a*), Romadhani T.P (a), Winarni (c), Marwanti (a), Ambar Winarti (a), Supardi (a), Chori Elsera (b)

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Esri Rusminingsih Rusminingsih

Institute of Health Science Muhammadiyah Klaten
,Central Java. Indonesia

Exclusive breast milk and milk Formula : How is the difference in the decrease in bilirubin after administration of phototherapy to neonates with hyperbilirubinemia? Esri Rusminingsih(a*), Romadhani T.P (a), Winarni (c), Marwanti (a), Ambar Winarti (a), Supardi (a), Chori Elsera (b) (a*) Departement of Medical Surgical Nursing,Institute of Health Science Muhammadiyah Klaten , Central Java. Indonesia Email : (a) Departement of Medical Surgical Nursing,Institute of Health Science Muhammadiyah Klaten , Central Java. Indonesia (a) Departement of maternity Nursing,Institute of Health Science Muhammadiyah Klaten , Central Java. Indonesia. (c) Division of Neonatology, Muhammadiyah Hospital of Delanggu, Central Java, Indonesia Background: Increased hemolysis in neonates after birth increases the amount of unconjugated bilirubin. Low levels of glucoronyl transferase cause the baby cannot metabolize an increase in the load of unconjugated bilirubin resulting in hyperbilirubinemia. High levels of bilirubin can cause acute enchelopathy and in extreme conditions can cause Kern Jaundice. Hyperbilirubinemia in neonates requires medical treatment with phototherapy. Objective: To determine differences in bilirubin levels in neonates who received exclusive breastfeeding with neonates who received formula after phototherapy. Study design: This study used a retrospective study to look at changes in Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB) before and after phototherapy for 2 x 24 hours in neonates who exclusively breastfed and neonates with formula milk. Data was obtained from medical records during 2017. The number of samples was 23 neonates with ASI and 22 neonates with formula milk. Results: The results showed that the average age of the neonate was 5.22 days, the average TSB in neonates with ASI 17.01 mg / dl, and neonates with formula milk 16.22 mg / dl. After phototherapy, the average TSB in neonates with breast milk was 10.19 mg / dl, while neonates with formula milk 5.19 mg / dl. There were differences in TSB in neonates with breast milk and formula milk who received phototherapy (p <0.05). Conclusions: There was a significant reduction in TSB in exclusive breastfeeding neonates and neonates with formula milk. However, in neonates who received formula milk, a decrease in TSB was higher compared to neonates who exclusively breastfed. Keywords: Hyperbilirubinemia, Phototherapy, Total bilirubin serum, Exclusive breastfeeding, Formula milk, Neonates

Hyperbilirubinemia, Phototherapy, Total bilirubin serum, Exclusive breastfeeding, Formula milk, Neonates

Health Science


Frequency of Chemotherapy, Energy Intake, Cachexia Condition and Nutritional Status of Breast Cancer Patients
Hapsari Sulistya Kusuma, Yunika Kasyaningrum, Sufiati Bintanah

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Hapsari Sulistya Kusuma

S1 Gizi Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Breast cancer is a group of abnormal cells in the breast that continues to grow multiply. One treatment for cancer is chemotherapy. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy have several side effects, which is cachexia, anorexia, weight loss which causes the patients nutritional status to drop dramatically. This research to describe the frequency of chemotherapy, energy intake and nutritional status of breast cancer patients. It was observasional research. The samples was 20 respondents using consecutive sampling technique. Energy intake is obtained through food recall method. The frequency of chemotherapy and cachexia were obtained from medical records and interviews, nutritional status obtained from actual body weight measurements using digital scales and height measurement using microtoa. The results, the average age of respondents 46.8 ± 9.63 years, mean frequency of chemotherapy 6.2 ± 5.74 times. The majority of respondents did not experience cachexia as many as 14 respondents (70%). The average of energy intake was 627.7 ± 236.5 calories. The average of nutritional status was 20.9 ± 3.11 kg / m2. The majority of respondents deficit energy intake but the majority of nutritional status is normal, the average frequency of chemotherapy> 5 times but the majority do not experience cachexia.

Keywords: Chemotherapy, Energy, Cachexia, Nutritional Status, Breast Cancer

Health Science


Nikmatur Rohmah, Muhammad Hazmi, Siti Kholifah, Taufiq Timur Warisaji

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Nurul Qomariah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Objectives: The risky behaviors in a teenager were proven to be able to affect health. However, there was not much evidence when it was correlated with the gender. This study aimed to identify the correlation of gender and attitudes towards the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. Methods: The research design used was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The dependent variables were the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking, and the independent variables were gender and attitudes. The population was 7470 students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember. The sampling was done by using simple random sampling and 365 samples were obtained. Data collection used was questionnaires and data analysis used was path analysis. Results: There was a significant correlation between attitude and behavior of smoking (b= -2.76; CI 95% -3.51 ke -2.01; p= <0.000). There was a significant correlation between the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking (b=2.27; CI 95% 1.28 ke 3.25; p= <0.001). There was a significant correlation between gender and the behavior of smoking (b= 1.80; CI 95% 0.89 ke 2.69; p= <0.001). There was a significant correlation between the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking (b=2.98; CI 95% 2.37 ke 2.60; p= <0.001). There was a significant correlation between the gender and behavior of smoking (b=-1.45; CI 95% -1.95 ke -0.95; p= <0.001). There was a significant correlation between attitude and behavior in drinking alcoholic beverages (b=-2.31; CI 95% -3.15 ke -1.46; p=<0.001). Conclusion: There was a correlation in gender and attitude towards the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking Discussion: The good attitudes to drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking has a potential to reduce smoking behavior, especially in teenagers.

Attitude, behavior, alcoholic beverages, smoking

Health Science


Sutaryono1)*, Anita Agustina Styawan 2), Muchson Arosyid3), Istianna Nurhidayati4)

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Sutaryono Sutaryono

1)Department of Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah Health College Klaten, Indonesia
2)Department of Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah Health College Klaten, Indonesia
3)Department of Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah Health College Klaten , Indonesia
4)Departmen of Nursing, Muhammadiyah Health College Klaten, Indonesia

Household air pollution is strongly influenced by physical environmental characteristics of the house and its inhabitants- behavior. Long-term exposure to air pollution has an effect on public health, especially the risk of asthma exacerbations. The aims this study was to analyze the influence of household environment and exposure tobacco smoke on asthma exacerbation risk in child. This study used an observational cohort in 12 weeks. The sample of this study was 114 children in Surakarta with asthma aged 12-18 years. Examination of the household environment includes lighting, temperature, humidity and ventilation. The researchers used selft-reported observation with questionnaire to find demografy, activity or behaviors room cleanliness, enable ventilation and smoking behavior. In addition, researchers used Asthma Control Test (ACT) to assess the risk of asthma attack. Survival analysis was conducted by using Cox Proportional Hazard Model with 95% of confidence interval. The results showed that the respondents physical environment based on ventilation, room temperature, humidity, lighting mostly had an unhealthy house category 71 (62.3%), the habit of doing house cleaning 82 (71.9%) and functioning of ventilation by opening the door and home windows as many as 89 (78.1%) and family habits of smoking indoors (61.4%). Children who live in unhealthy homes experience 48 children (73.85%) of exacerbation asthma attacks and are statistically significant (log rank test p: 0.009) and increase the risk of exacerbation of asthma (HR = 2.00, 95% CI= 1.148–3.483, p = 0.014). Household physical environments increased risk of asthma exacerbation attacks in children. Therefore, its necessary to be done is to maintain ventilation, temperature, humidity, room lighting according to quality standards and healthy occupant behavior.

Household physical environment, behavior, asthma, exacerbations

Health Science


Endang wahyuningsih 1 , Endang Sawitri 2 , Choiril Hana 3

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Endang Wahyuningsih

Muhammadiyah College of Health Sciences, Klaten

Anemia is still a public health problem that often occurs and is spread throughout the world, especially in developing countries and poor countries. The incidence of anemia occurs mainly in adolescents, both male and female groups . Women and young women need twice as much iron as men or young men . WHO states that 25-40% of adolescents suffer from anemia and attack more than 57% of adolescent girls in Indonesia. Red beets are rich in various B vitamins, namely vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6 . Dragon fruit also contains iron, Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin C The purpose of our study was to determine the comparison of the eradication of beat fruit juice and red dragon fruit juice to increase hemoglobin levels in adolescents. Quasi-Experiment research design with pre-test post-test design with control group design . the sample technique we used was purposive sampling. the treatment we carried out on the sample for 7 days using a juice extractor and haemometer . Our sample was 32. Our study used paired t-test and independent t-test . Our results show that p value is 0.515> 0.05 for the beet group and 0.516> 0.05 for the dragon fruit group. that the provision of beet juice and red dragon fruit juice both have a chance that is not much different effect on hemoglobin levels in young women.

Innovation of bit fruit and dragon fruit, haemoglobin levels, adolescents

Health Science


Ellyda Rizki Wijhati 1, Suesti2

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Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta

The purpose of the study was to analyze mens knowledge about vasectomy and respondent-s characteristics that influenced the level of knowledge. The study applied quantitative descriptive research with a cross-sectional approach. The populations in the study were all men with several criteria such as being married, actively having sex, and living in Meguwo Banguntapan Bantul. The data collection tool used a questionnaire. Data analysis employed univariate analysis. The results of the knowledge level of respondents were divided into 3 categories 29 (48.4%) high, 26 (43.3%) moderate, 5 (8.3%) low. A total of 98.3% of respondents knew the definition of vasectomy; 84.2% knew how vasectomy worked, 41.7% effectiveness, 60% profit, 56.7% loss, and 74.8% vasectomy requirements. Although many respondents had sufficient knowledge about vasectomy, none of the respondents were interested in doing a vasectomy.

Vasectomy, Men, knowledge

Health Science


Retna Tri Astuti, Muhammad Khoirul Amin

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Retna Tri Astuti

FIKES Universitas Muhammadiy Magelang

Background: This psychiatric emergency can occur anywhere and no exception in the health service unit. The health care team must always be responsive to the emergence of worsening symptoms in the patient. Therefore, we need a form of action or strategy to be able to make early detection of emergencies and recurrence of mental patients- symptoms in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to identify the assessment of early detection of emergencies in adult mental patients in Magelang Mental Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia. Research Methods: This qualitative study was conducted from December to May 2019 at Prof. Mental Hospital Dr. Soeroyo Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. We selected a total of 11 study participants for in-depth interviews. We conducted a content analysis technique by verbatim transcripts of interviews using open code software. Results: This study produced four categories of early detection assessments of emergencies in adult mental patients in the Mental Emergency Unit namely psychological responses, physiological responses, limitations on psychiatric emergency assessments, and HR quality improvement and documentation systems. Some nurses found it difficult to carry out early detection of psychiatric emergencies, given the confusing symptoms and differences in perceptions of assessment and how to assess the instruments already in the hospital. In addition, many documentation systems also became obstacles in the assessment of early detection of emergency adult mental patients at the Mental Hospital. Conclusion: Apart from the system of handling emergencies, especially in terms of the assessment or early detection of standardized emergencies, another obstacle is the form of an early detection assessment instrument that varies with many items and creates different perceptions. Based on this, an innovative approach is needed to develop an instrument for assessing the early detection of emergency mental disorders that can accommodate the symptoms caused. In addition, the duties of nurses and documentation systems need to be evaluated and oriented.

Early detection, psychiatric emergencies, mental disorders

Health Science


Perubahan Sikap, Perilaku Memilih Jajanan Sehat Melalui Pendidikan Kesehatan Dengan Media Permainan Edukatif Monopoli Jajan Sehat Pada Anak Usia Sekolah
Eni Sumarliyah (a*), Aries Chandra Anandita(b), Dede Nasrullah (c), Rizaldi Heru Susanto (d)

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Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c,d) Faculty of Health Science University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Memilih makanan yang tidak sehat pada adalah merupakan salah satu masalah yang banyak terajadi pada anak. Pemilihan jajanan yang kurang memenuhi standar kesehatan akan dapat menyebabkan masalah pada kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi perubahan sikap, perilaku memilih jajanan sehat melalui pendidikan kesehatan dengan media permainan edukatif monopoli jajanan sehat pada anak usia sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasy Experimental Design (Pretest-Posttest With Control Group Design) dengan 140 sampel pada sekolah dasar di Surabaya. Data dianalisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test dan Mann Whitney U Test dengan tingkat signifikasi ≤ 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan sikap positif 86% dengan p=0,000, sedangkan perilaku yaitu 69 % berperilaku baik dan hasil uji statistik p=0,000. Hal ini karena mereka mendapat pengalaman yang baik melalui permainan yang dirasa menyenangkan, juga dukungan guru dan fasilitas yang ada. Dengan demikian pengalaman melalui pendidikan kesehatan dengan menggunakan media monopoli jajanan sehat dapat merubah perilaku memilih jajanan sehat pada anak usia sekolah sehingga dapat mengurangi dan mencegah terjadinya penyakit.

Monopoli, Jajanan Sehat, Sikap, Perilaku Memilih Jajanan, Anak Usia Sekolah

Health Science


Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity Test From The Extract Of Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides L.)
Israwati Harahap*, Riska Selviani, Elsie

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Siti Samsiah

Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Ujung, Pekanbaru.

Plants used for traditional medicine can be used as an alternative search for new antimicrobial substances. One of the medicinal plants that is utilized optimally by the Indonesian people and has the potential to produce antimicrobial compounds is the vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides L.). This study aims to carry out phytochemical screening of vetiver extract (V. zizanioides L.), test the antimicrobial activity of vetiver extract (V. zizanioides L.) on the growth of pathogenic microbia Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Nigrospora oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani and Curvularia sp., and find out the best concentration of vetiver extract (V. zizanioides L.) in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbial S. aureus, E. coli, N. oryzae, R. solani and Curvularia sp.. The results reveal that the vetiver (V. zizanioides L.) contains flavonoid, tannin/phenolic chemicals, saponins, steroids, triterpenoids, and alkaloids. In antimicrobial testing, vetiver extract (V. zizanioides L.) showed maximum activity againts N. oryzae, producing the maximum zone of inhibition 19,8 mm at a concentration of 50 mg/ml .

Vetiveria zizanioides L.; Phytochemical analysis; Antimicrobial; Pathogenic microorganisms

Health Science


Anna uswatun Qoyyimah1, sri wahyuni 2,lilik hartati3,dyah susanti4

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Anna Uswatun Qoyyimah


Post sectio caesaria pain can be overcome by non- pharmacological therapy, one of them isendhorpin massage combination and jasmine aroma therapy, combination of both can stimulate the body to release endhorphins for relaxation and deliver electrochemical messages to the central nervous system to block pain receptors. This research is a quantitative study using quantitative Quasi experimental design of non equivalent pre test and post test with two control groups. The technique is non probality sampling with a purposive sampling method of 45 respondents. Data collection using demographic data and NRS assessment scale. Data analysis using paired T-test, then one way ANOVA test is perfomed to determine the effect of the intervention given. Research shows pain intensity before administration. The results showed that the intensity of pain before the intervention was given an average pre-test value of 5.533 and an average post-test score of 3,000. The result of data analysis obtained a significant P-value of 0,000; p value < 0.05.

endhorphin massage, jasmine aroma therapy,sectio caesaria, pain intensity

Health Science


Predisposing Factors that Influence the Islamic Behavior of Nurses at Aisyiyah Muntilan Hospital in Magelang in the Year of 2019
Siti sangadatul Wahidah Alqudsiyah, Puguh Widiyanto, Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu

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Siti Sangadatul Wahidah Alqudsiyah

University of Muhammadiyah Magelang

Background: The quality of hospital services continues experiencing competition that requires new innovations to nurses. Nurses as providers of nursing care are not only required to achieve physical healing of patients, but also psychological, spiritual, and social aspects, by applying Islamic behavior in every action. In Islamic behavior is influenced by several factors including knowledge of Islamic behavior and attitudes towards Islamic behavior. Objective: This research was conducted to determine the predisposing factors (knowledge and attitudes) that influence the Islamic behavior of nurses. Methods: The research was an analytical survey with a cross-sectional study approach (cross section). The study was conducted in February-August 2019. The population in this study were all inpatient nurses in Aisyiyah Muntilan Hospital, Magelang Regency, with 57 people using purposive sampling, a sample of 49 nurses who were in accordance with the inclusion criteria. The data obtained from the questionnaire measuring instrument with the checklist method. Bivariate analysis using the Spearman test Rank α = 0.05 significance level 95%. Results: The results of the correlation analysis of predisposing factors produced data on the relationship between knowledge about Islamic behavior with Islamic behavior, it was found that the p value = 0,001 and r = 0.537. The relationship between attitudes towards Islamic behavior with Islamic behavior obtained propability p value = 0.092 and r = 0.246. There was a relationship between knowledge about Islamic behavior with Islamic behavior of nurses. There was no relationship between attitudes towards Islamic behavior and Islamic behavior of nurses. So it can be concluded that of the two predisposing factors, which influence nurses Islamic behavior is the knowledge factor about Islamic behavior. Suggestion: From the results of this study, it was necessary to make policies to improve and maintain nurses knowledge and attitudes so that the Islamic behavior of nurses can increase in the provision of nursing care.

knowledge of Islamic behavior, attitudes towards Islamic behavior, Islamic behavior

Health Science


Luluk Rosida and Intan Mutiara Putri and Dewi Kurniasari

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Luluk Rosida

Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta Indonesia

Based on the results of the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas), in 2016 the Labor Force Participation Rate recorded 2.1 million people or 72.2% and women who worked as much as 57-67%, thus many women became career women (Statistics Center, 2016). Working women has their own dilemma because besides working women also must continue to perform their duties and responsibilities as a mother, one of which is to continue to provide exclusive breastfeeding. Public Support or work environment support is one of the determining factors for the success of exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers, this is because the Government and many companies in Indonesia have not provided full leave allowance but only for up to 3 months. Many companies do not provide special time for their employees to breastfeed or express milk at their workplaces, flexibility in working time and duration of leave affect the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Besides providing space and tools three times better influence in supporting exclusive breastfeeding. The Government has regulated Public Support in Government Regulation No.33 of 2012 paragraph (2) concerning provisions regarding exclusive breastfeeding program support at work carried out in accordance with company regulations between employers and workers / laborers, or through a joint work agreement between trade unions / unions laborer with businessman. In paragraph (3) the management of the workplace is explained and, the organizer of the public facilities must provide special facilities for breastfeeding and / or milking in accordance with the conditions of the companys capabilities. The purpose of this study is to look at how public support for the success of exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers, especially in Yogyakarta City Government. The results of the study show that public support is highly related to the success of exclusive breastfeeding.


Health Science


Quick of Blood relationship with Intradialisis Hypertension
Fitri Suciana (a)*,Daryani (a),Cahyo Pramono (a),Fahrudin(b)

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Fitri Suciana

a) andhikazka[at]
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Klaten
b) Rumah Sakit Islam Klaten

Quick of Blood (Qb) is one of the factors that has a relationship with the incidence of intradialisis hypertension and other hemodynamic changes. Quick of blood is the amount of blood flowed in units of minutes (ml / minute) that can be adjusted to the patients condition. Giving Qb which is getting higher will have an impact on the occurrence of intra and post HD complications. This paper want to know what is Quick of Blood (Qb) cause Intradialysis Hypertension in intradialisis patient? This type of research is quantitative with analytical survey design. The research used was cross sectional design. The population was paients who had two times haemodialisis for a week. The result is Quick of Blood (Qb) Haemodialysis patiens in Rumah Sakit Islam Klaten mean result 230,8050±31,77 ,Intradialysis Hypertension haemodialisis patients mean result 3,5000±3,50.There is a relationship between Quick of Blood (Qb) with intradialysis hypertension.The Conclusion is there are relationship between the Quick of Blood (Qb) with Intradialysis Hypertension in hemodialysis patients at Klaten Islamic Hospital.

Quick of Blood (Qb), Intradialysis Hypertension, Haemodialysis Patient

Health Science


Superoxide Dismutase and Malondialdehyde Levels in Adolescents with Primary Dysmenorrhea
Mukhoirotin Mukhoirotin, Kurniawati, Diah Ayu Fatmawati

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Mukhoirotin Mukhoirotin

Nursing Science Program, Faculty of Health Science, Unipdu Jombang, Indonesia

Primary dysmenorrhoea is painful menstruation without pelvic abnormalities and usually occurs among adolescents and female adults. In primary dysmenorrhea occurred the increasing of lipid peroxide (oxidative stress) and decreasing of antioxidant level. The aim of this study was to identified the differences of Superokside Dismutase and Malondialdehyde levels in adolescents with primary dysmenorrhoea. The research design used Case Control. The population of this study was all female students at Faculty of Health Sciences Unipdu Jombang who got menstruation, the sample of this study were 24 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sampling method in this study used Purposive Sampling technique. To measuring SOD levels used the NBT method, MDA levels used the Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) test, and the measurement were used Spektrofotometer. The data were analyzed by using Independent Sample T-Test with α ≤ 0.05. Independent Sample T-Test results showed that there were significant differences between SOD and MDA levels in both of case group and control group (p <0.05). In primary dysmenorrea there is an increasing of Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and a decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels, so the requiring efforts to balance the condition and reduce symptoms of primary dysmenorrhoea are needed.

Malondialdehid, Superoxide dismutase, Dismenorrea primer

Health Science


Siti Nur Umariyah Febriyanti(1*), Wiji Munjilah (2), Ni Nyoman Maryaningtyas Adinatha (3), Rose Nur Hudhariani (4)

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Siti Nur Umariyah Febriyanti

1) STIKes Karya Husada Semarang
Jalan Kompol R Soekanto Nomor 46, Semarang, Indonesia
2) STIKes Karya Husada Semarang
3) STIKes Karya Husada Semarang
4) STIKes Karya Husada Semarang

WHO estimates that more than 20 million toddlers in developing countries fail to reach optimal potential development. It was about 35,4% of children under five years in Indonesia experience developmental deviations such as gross and fine motor skills, mental and emotional deviations. This study was to determine the effect of baby massage on the development of 3-month-old baby in the Penusupan District Health Centre of Tegal Regency. This study was a Quasi Experiment study with Pre and Post research design test Without Control Group Design amounted to 32 people of sample. All respondents experienced dubious development before infant massage with an average value of 7.56 and a median of 8.00. The development of respondents after of baby massage was in accordance with the average value of 9.44 and median of 10.00. The Wilcoxon test results obtained p value of 0,000 (p <0.05). There is an effect of infant massage on the development of 3-month-old baby in Penusupan District Health Centre of Tegal Regency. It is expected that mothers who have 3-month-old babies can massage their babies at home 2 times a week for 15 minutes in order to optimize growth and development in babies while providing exclusive breastfeeding.

Baby massage; Development 3-month-old baby

Health Science


The Effect of Giving Music Therapy and Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) on the Level of Adolescent Academic Stress in Mts Muhammadiyah Kalibening Dukun Magelang
Titik Elmiyati1 Retna Tri Astuti2

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Titik Elmiyati

Univercity of Muhammadiyah Magelang

Background: Adolescence can be interpreted as a period of movement or change both physically, psychologically, socially, and a period of self-formation. Information data and statistical data 2017, adolescent information in 2012 there were 20% and in 2016 that was 25.6%. The results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers on April 3, 2019 conducted interviews with 13 students of Muhammadiyah Middle School Kalibening Dukun Magelang got the results of interviews of 10 students who were stressed and said that stress due to the system of learning that was full day of excessive learning, they said they entered at 06.00 and go home at 16.00, they also said at 06.00 to 07.30 they recite the Quran and at 07.30 to 10.30 they take lessons related to religion, after that at 11:00 to 15:00 they follow general lessons, for class VII at 15:00 to 16:00 do extracurricular and for class VIII has begun additional lessons to prepare for class IX in addition to the very many tasks and also still have to memorize the Quran to be deposited every morning. Objective: To determine the effect of music therapy and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) on the level of teenage academic stress in MTS Muhammadiyah Kalibening, Shaman, Magelang. Methods: In this study used a quasi-experimental method with one group pre and post test with control group, using Random Sampling a total of 60 respondents were involved in this study consisting of 30 respondents as an intervention group given music therapy and Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) and 30 respondents as a control group. Results: The statistical test results showed that there was an influence of music therapy and Progressive Muscle Relaxation on the level of academic stress in adolescents with a value (p <0.05) of 0.00. Conclusion: There is the effect of Music Therapy and Progressive Muscle Relaxation on the level of academic stress of adolescents at MTS Muhammadiyah Kalibening, Dukun, Magelang. Suggestion: The therapy can be used as alternative therapy or non-pharmacological therapy to deal with stress.

Music Therapy, Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR), Stress, Teenagers.

Health Science


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